The method Open Team

We have the ambition to build companies from scraps and we can do that thanks to a tried and tested method. We choose the talents from our roster and nursery and give them the controller to lead new business ideas, testing startups and launching them on the market, supporting them and guiding them to the finish line.

We revolutionize the idea of startup

We develop talents to let the ideas that will change the world grow

Our goal is to create the companies of the future, modern SimCity. For that reason we turn to talented professionals ready to prove themselves, to investors or existing businesses, to a community of people ready to live a new explorer’s adventure.

We are convinced that everyone, from the brilliant genius of the century to the lover of the most passionate ideas, should be able to invest in startups in complete safety, making its own capital, human or economic, available and obtaining a measurable gain.

We measure businesses’ success

by their ideas

As in Mario Maker, we like to play with a construction site of ideas in turmoil. For that reason is our care to ensure that each idea of business offers new solutions capable of overcoming the everyday challenges in an original way. But let’s keep the easy mode, shall we?

We anticipate and intercept market trends, identifying first the industry with the high chance of growth by concentrating ourselves on how to answer present and past questions.
Only the most innovatives ideas, offering real solutions, advance to the next level. With our first step we decrease the risk chance and the GAME OVER screen of startups.

We work as a Team!

From the tiniest to the largest

All ideas, from the tiniest to the greatest, need a team. That’s why once we identify a valuable project we flank it with a co-founder, a CEO, a “leader of the raid party” to lead a group of specialists, partners and investors suitable to develop its prototype, engage a growing number of clients and validate the startup from a managerial, commercial and crowdfunding standpoint.

The team building process is a fundamental step for us: we reclute talents and professionals ready to set a change. In our multiplayer campaign you can find different classes, with maxed skill trees to make use of all the experience points and express the most from everyone.
Open Team is a nursery where confrontation and ideas bloom.

The team takes shape and works constantly confronting each other, through brainstorming and tests, to keep critical and success rate in check. The team develop an identity and a relationship of belonging with the brand, ensuring great stability and the right answers in front of possible and eventual difficulties and future Boss Fights. Il team prende forma e lavora in aperto e continuo confronto con brainstorming e test, in modo da evidenziare criticità e punti di successo. La squadra sviluppa una sua identità e una relazione di appartenenza al brand, garantendo solidità e risposte pronte davanti a possibili ed eventuali difficoltà future o Boss Fights.

nalysis will continue without any stop

3… 2… 1… GO!

We are ready to press play, but tests and analysis will continue without any stop. Since the release date, we collect datas and feedback from people and clients, to be ready with new patches: editing important details and obtaining the most from every project.

Siamo pronti per premere il pulsante start, ma il lavoro di test e di analisi continua senza mai fermarsi. Fin dalla release date, raccogliamo dati e segnali dalle persone e da clienti, così da essere pronti con nuove patch: correggendo i particolari, e ottenendo il massimo da ogni progetto.
A precise method is the way we guarantee excellent performances, defeating any risk.

Win and… play again!

The startup succeeded in each of the steps required. Yet it’s not the time to stop, in fact it’s time to invest! In this last phase we identify partners and investors, to increase the HP of the business, ensuring a continuous growth and to reach the best possible performances.

We provide our method and our experience to change the world, transforming revolutionary ideas into successful projects. If you are ready to grow inside a new startup, if you want to develop a new branch of your company with a young and dynamic team, if you want to invest, decrease risks and watch your dreams come true, contact us. You will be among the innovators.


Take on board in the multiplayer campaign.

Take the first step through new horizons and join an extraordinary journey. In our group you can find the best talented young professionals, businessmen and investors, a team of dreamers with their feet on the ground, ready to demolish every record and more.

Discover how to join an Open Team and show your true self.